Examples for AKFQuiz
The quizfiles here might already use features of AKFQuiz versions, which are not released yet.
Lang. | CGI* | with JavaScript | Quizfile | Author |
de | GNU+Linux-Quiz | GNU+Linux-Quiz | GNU+Linux-Quiz | AKFoerster |
en | GNU+Linux-Quiz | GNU+Linux-Quiz | GNU+Linux-Quiz | AKFoerster |
en | GPL-Quiz | GPL-Quiz | GPL-Quiz | D. Turner |
en | Debian Quiz | Debian Quiz | Debian Quiz | C. Berg, A. Schmehl |
de | Unix Befehle | Unix Befehle | Unix Befehle | G. Seidlitz |
de | Internet Quiz | Internet Quiz | Internet Quiz | G. Seidlitz AKFoerster |
de | Schokolade | Schokolade | Schokolade | Grundschule Vellwigstr. |
de | Christentum 1 | Christentum 1 | Chistentum 1 | AKFoerster |
de | Bibel-Quiz | Bibel-Quiz | Bibel-Quiz | Bild |
de | Amerika Quiz | Amerika Quiz | Amerika Quiz | D. Josteit |
de | VRR-Quiz | VRR-Quiz | VRR-Quiz | AKFoerster |
de | Kommunalwahl 2004 Castrop | Kommunalwahl 2004 Castrop | Kommunalwahl 2004 Castrop | D. Molloisch |
The CGI program used is currently cgiquiz.
It would be nice, if you could send me your own quiz-files. Send your own quiz-files to akfquiz@akfoerster.de.
With newer web-browsers you can use the following hotkeys:
Alt + R = Result
Alt + S = Solution
(just JavaScript version)
Alt + N = New